Rx: WASLEX - A Diet Prescription

Nowadays there have been many ways to lose weight and stay healthy. Different kinds of diets have been sprouting lately like mushrooms. But to many, nothing seems to be working out well. Others can’t figure out why they can’t seem to be successful in having a good body and figure.

The truth is…one should not deprive himself from eating anything at all. The trick is just to eat all in moderation. Remember the food group pyramid? Stick to that scheme and you’ll have a bon a petit all the time. Do you think to go vegetarian is healthy? Think again!! Not all essential nutrients are in veggies. The truth of the matter is…your body can really be a “veggie”.

In any diet you may take, however, there is a prescription you must not neglect and ignore, i.e. WASLEX. This is a must that you should have in any form of dieting you have & do.

The very essential produce that our body needs. Experts say…take at least 8 glasses a day. But I say…take more than 10 glasses a day. Don’t worry, your bladder can take as much as many as you really can. Your bladder is expandable organ, so don’t worry that it might explode because you have taken much. Water helps in keeping your body eliminating toxics out from your system.

Many say that adult need only at least 6 hrs sleep in a day. Some thought that depriving oneself to sleeping hours could help lose weight. But have you noticed that if you only sleep that much or lesser everyday, your body tends to be sluggish? Hence, you crave for more food than usual. You feel you don’t have the energy to get you going, so you crave for food that you thought can boost your energy. Thus, you find yourself gaining more weight.

Try to have 8 hour sleep everyday and your body will have all the energy you need. Remember that rejuvenating, repairing and recharging of your brain and body only takes place when you are at sleep. If you deprive yourself from sleep, your body will not be fully recharged and repaired.

A 15 to 20 minutes exercise is good to your body. Your body needs exercise to maintain better metabolism. If you have slow metabolism, it means that the process of converting the nutrients into useful components is slow. Thus, the nutrients will amass in your body and eventually you’ll gain weight. Exercise will make the metabolism of your body faster so that the breakdown of the nutrients into useful components and energy is also faster. Exercise will make your body more energetic and your heart stronger than ever.

Effective Parenting

photo grab from www.echoparenting.org
Parenting to children must not be thought as a task to undertake or as an endeavor that must be endure a lifetime. It is an endowment that must be acknowledged and cherished. Remember, not everyone is privileged to become a parent. In any cases, at times, parenting is exhausting. Children can draw our energy. To avoid this tight spot, here are 5 ways of effective parenting:

BE A ROLE MODELYou can’t just tell your child to do this or do that. If you want your child to become a better person, you must show good example. You can’t ask your child not to say foul words, when every time you finish your sentence is with the F--- word. Remember, children are the greatest mimic. You can’t teach a child things that are opposite on what you are actually doing. And by being a role model to your child, not only you teach him to be a better person but you also become one.

BE FIRM AND CONSISTENTLearn to say “NO!” to your child. Lay your ground rules well and explain to your child why it must be followed. You must stick to your rules. Don’t say that there can always be exemption to the rules. If you do this often, you end up being inconsistent. Thus, your child might think of you as a liar.

BE APPRECIATIVEChildren seek approval from adults especially from their parents. Oftentimes some parents tend to forget to acknowledge their children’s effort on the things they do. Some parents are more heedful when children are misbehaving so they can correct them right away but forgetting to recognize them when they actually behave well. Simple words like “Thank you!”, “You are good!” etc. are words that can positively boost the spirit of a child.

BE A LISTENERChildren love telling stories. Give time to listen to your child’s stories. Quit saying always to your child “Later! Not now, I’m busy.” These words push your child away and closing the doors to communicate openly with you. Listen to your child’s corny jokes, wild imagination, etc. This way, you are teaching your child to learn how to communicate well.

BE EXPRESSIVEExpress yourself. You can be angry or sad. You can be jolly or glad. You can loose your temper or be prim and proper. You can be thoughtful and sweet. You can be affectionate. But make sure in every emotional expression you do or have, don’t forget to explain to your child why you have these kinds of feelings. Explain well why you feel certain emotions in different situations. By expressing yourself, you are imparting your emotional quotient to your child and he learns to express himself too. And remember, emotional quotient is better than intelligence quotient for a person to succeed in life.

Prayer For An Angel

Erinez has gone through heart surgery and she’s now battling for recovery.  The doctors in the Philippine Heart Center admit that though the surgery was a success, Erinez’s health status is far from being stable.  She has a rare case which the doctors up until now can’t identify which causes her health deterioration.  There had been different complications in her body, and the doctors dealt with her heart first.  Now, they are monitoring the liver which is getting weaker.

Before her surgery showing gratitude thru art.

This is she now after the surgery.
With high hope and high spirit, Erinez is trying to stay strong amidst all the trials she’s having at such a young age.  Please help her.  

Spare a candle starting today and lit it every 6 ‘o clock in the evening.  Let’s pray for her fast recovery.  She needs all the prayers we can share for her.

5 Best Things To Do On Rainy Days

In a country like the Philippines, when it rains it pours.  And most of the time, when the weather is raining like cats and dogs, the best and safest way is to stay at home.

Here are five best things to do that I can think of on rainy days: 

1.   Cook Lugaw (Congee) or Champorado (Chocolate Podrige).
On a cold rainy weather, lugaw or champorado is the best food to eat.  Both are easy to cook with the simplest ingredients.  You can't go wrong cooking these two hot stuffs.  They are best bonding meal time for the family. 

photo grab from pinoycuisines.wikia.com

photo grab from www.wikihow.com

2.  Watch A Movie.  
There are lots of movies to watch that are downloadable from the internet.  You don't need to go to cinemas just to watch a movie.  This is one of my favorites for family bonding time.
photo grab from www.cosmicstarseeds.com

3.  Play Indoor Games
There are vast array of indoor games to choose from (board games, video games, etc).  And at times like these you can be creative, too.  You can make your own game and have fun with the family.
photo grab from www.putnamfuel.com

4.  Read A Book
I must admit I'm not much of a reader, but if I find a book that captures my interest, I tell you I can't be disturbed 'til I'm done reading.  Reading a book doesn't mean that you have to still buy at the bookstore.  There are interesting books that are in pdf files and downloadable from the i-net.
photo grab from redwing.lib.mn.us

5.  Sleep
Rainy weather is bed weather.  For weeks and many days you've been deprived of sleep,  this is now your moment to have more time on the bed.  Relax and sleep more.  Away with the alarm clock and let the time slip away.
photo grab from www.independent.co.uk