Fun Under the Sun

The most awaited season – summer! No matter how hot summer brings, you look forward to it. It’s the time of the year to chillax and enjoy. It is the time to have fun under the sun and bare some skin. But no matter how you like this season, you need to protect yourself from the harmful rays of the great fire ball. Or you end up having radical cells on your precious skin which may lead to cancer.

So how are you going to shield your skin from the UV rays of the sun yet have fun? Follow the simple steps:

SUNBLOCK! If your activity would expose you most of the time outside, wear sunblock. Don’t go out without it. Use one that has SPF formula that guards you from 97 percent of UVA and UVB rays. Try to re-apply after few hours of exposing to the sun.

HYDRATE! Keep hydrated. Drink water more than the usual of 8 glasses a day. Eat fruits that are high in vitamins and natural water.

MOISTURIZE! Apply body lotion/moisturizer after shower. Some bath soaps rub off the natural skin oil. Therefore it is very important to apply moisturizer after shower to bring back the lost oil. Dry skin may cause wrinkles. And don’t forget to moisturize your lips by applying balm.

PROTECT! Use protection gears when crusading under the sun. Use umbrella or wear hats/caps. Use sunglasses. Never let yourself be exposed too long under the sun or you would end up looking like a roasted duck.

photo credit:  All photos were grab from Google images

Be The New YOU for 2016

photo grab from
Are you tired of doing the same thing everyday? Are you bored of performing same chores most of the time? Don’t you wish for a change? Gurl, what could be a better start to have that change you wanted, but to begin it with you! Remember, change is the only constant thing in the entire world. Change is inevitable, that is why there is always innovation and evolution. And that includes YOU!

Here are some simple steps to start that change, so you can be THE NEW YOU!
  1. Now make a list. List five things that you want to do but really haven’t done it for a long time or haven’t tried it at all i.e. scuba diving, bungee jumping, etc.
  2. Experiment! Decide and take a risk if you must to do the things in your list. Find out what thrills will it give you, so you can have an experience worth remembering for the rest of your life.
  3. Wonder for more adventures. Seek for more fun and adventurous activities. Don’t always confine yourself in just little corners of your life. Try to stretch your horizon. If it takes to learn new skills, do it so. Learning is never too late for any ages.
The “new you” will surely emerge if you are willing to make that change! So, what are you waiting for? Start working for a change!

Now that you decided to make a change, you can be who or what you want to become. It’s all up to you. Just remember… don’t try to please anybody so that they may like the new you. Gurl, you will fail doing it no matter how hard you try because you really can’t please everyone. The only person you can please is yourself alone. But by doing so, make sure you don’t step on anyone’s toe.

As you go along the path of change, consider these:
  • You are unique. No person is like you. Thus, be the best person you can be. Don’t compete for anyone else but you.
  • Optimism is the key for success. Being optimistic draws positive energy. Your life will be more buoyant if you take your endeavors with propitious manner.
  • Uncover new talent. Each of us has given gifts that maybe useful to ourselves or to others. One way to find out new gift is to expose yourself to different things. Engage yourself to different areas of activities. Vary your interests so that you may uncover your new talent.